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Why is it Important to Get Your Firm’s Name Out to 1Ls Early

by Elizabeth Greiner on


In today’s fast-paced legal recruitment landscape, getting your firm’s name in front of law students early has become more critical than ever. With the 2L recruiting process starting earlier than ever, law firms need to adapt their strategies to engage with students from the moment they step foot on campus. Whether you're a BigLaw or a mid-sized firm, being proactive in your outreach efforts can significantly impact your ability to attract top talent.


Legal recruiters need to ensure they are effectively positioning their firms in front of 1Ls early and remain at the forefront throughout 1L year in order to ensure a successful and efficient 2L recruiting season.


1. The Race to Be Top-of-Mind: Why First Impressions Matter


Law school is a whirlwind of information, connections, and opportunities, and for 1Ls, it all starts the moment they step on campus. Students are eager to learn about the legal industry and are already forming opinions about different firms based on what they hear from 2 and 3Ls, professors, and peers. For this reason, it's crucial to ensure that your firm is one of the first names they hear—and that it's in a positive context. You don’t just want to be on everyone’s mind, you also want to make sure the buzz is good.

Being top-of-mind early on can give your firm a competitive advantage. By making a strong initial impression, you set the stage for students to associate your firm with opportunity, prestige, and a welcoming and diverse culture. This can make a significant difference when these students are deciding where to apply for their 2L summer positions.


2. Targeting Active 1Ls: The Importance of Campus Involvement


Not all 1Ls are equally engaged on campus, but those who are active in clubs, diversity groups, and other extracurricular activities are often the ones who become top candidates during the 2L recruiting season. These students are proactive, driven, and highly sought after by employers. By focusing your efforts on getting your firm known among these most involved 1Ls, you increase your chances of attracting top-tier candidates. They are the ones most likely to get the word out about your firm, and to make sure the word is positive.

One effective way to do this is by sponsoring or participating in events hosted by student organizations. Whether it's a panel discussion, networking event, or diversity initiative, your presence at these events signals to students that your firm values their interests and contributions. This helps build rapport and positions your firm as a supportive and inclusive employer. Starting a dialogue with the heads of these groups is a good way to begin to make these relationships that will get passed down each year with new leadership.


3. Building Long-Term Relationships: Why 1Ls Matter for 2L Recruiting


Even if your firm isn't actively hiring 1Ls, it's essential to remember that these students will soon be 2Ls—and by then, the relationships you've built will be invaluable. The students you engage with as 1Ls are the ones who will remember your firm when it comes time to make decisions about their 2L summer. If they’ve had positive interactions with your firm early on, they’re more likely to consider you when applying for summer associate positions.

Additionally, these early connections can pay off in unexpected ways. A 1L who isn’t ready to commit to your firm may still become an advocate for your brand among their peers, helping to spread the word about your firm’s culture and opportunities.


4. The Tightening Timeline: Preparing for 2L Recruiting Throughout 1L Year


The timeline for 2L recruiting has been steadily shifting earlier, with many firms starting their recruitment efforts during the spring semester of 1L year. This means that by the time you begin your official 2L recruiting, you should already have a strong sense of who the top candidates are and, ideally, have established relationships with them.

To make the most of this compressed timeline, start your outreach efforts early in 1L year. Host informational sessions and panels, attend career fairs, and participate in on-campus events. The goal is to get to know students well before the formal recruiting process begins so that you’re not playing catch-up when it’s time to make offers. It’ll also make your recruiting process faster and easier, as you may even have a pipeline set when recruiting begins!


5. Leveraging Resources Like Flo Recruit Forward: Enhancing Your Visibility


In today’s digital age, students have more resources than ever to research potential employers. Tools like Forward can be instrumental in helping students find information about your firm, apply for summer positions, register for events and manage their recruitment process. Make sure your firm’s profile is up-to-date, and take advantage of the platform to share details about your culture, values, and opportunities. Students want to see what you put on social media, videos you share from Firm leadership, and how your culture aligns with their values. So make sure the information you’re putting out is engaging and transparent.

firm-profile-overview-img-supra2-2The more information students have about your firm, the better equipped they’ll be to make informed decisions when it comes time to apply for 2L positions. By making your firm’s information easily accessible, you increase your chances of attracting students who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.


Best Practices for Engaging 1Ls


  • Early and Frequent Outreach: Don’t wait until 2L recruiting begins. Engage with 1Ls early in their first year and maintain consistent contact throughout their law school journey.
  • Focus on Campus Leaders: Target students who are active in campus organizations, as they’re often the ones who become top candidates during 2L recruiting. Even if you don’t recruit these students directly, it will pay off in word-of-mouth
  • Positive Branding: Ensure that your firm is associated with positive experiences and opportunities. First impressions matter, and you want your firm to be known for its welcoming and inclusive culture.
  • Participate in Events: Sponsor and attend events that matter to 1Ls, whether they’re hosted by student organizations, diversity groups, or career services.
  • Use Digital Tools: Make sure your firm’s information is readily available on platforms like Flo Forward, and keep your profiles updated with relevant content.

Conclusion: The Power of Early Engagement


Getting your firm’s name out to 1Ls early isn’t just a good strategy—it’s becoming a necessity in today’s fast-moving legal recruitment environment. By establishing strong relationships with students from the beginning of their law school careers, you position your firm as a top choice when it comes time for 2L recruiting. Whether you’re a BigLaw firm or a mid-sized firm, the key to successful recruitment lies in being proactive, visible, and engaged with the next generation of top legal talent.